Painting in Guache by Cathy Lynch

Thursday, January 19, 2012


Well, I have decided to skip a few steps and stories and get right down to the newest treatment that seems to be helping me.  I started something new called Biopuncture in May 2011.  I have been reluctant to say much to anyone on the subject until I was satisfied this was actually working for me.  I went for a follow up to Dr. Arseneau as I had lost my voice for three weeks.  He was and is determined to get to the cause of the Dystonia and suggested I try Biopuncture.   It is now August  2011 and the results are still stable.  It is an uncomfortable and lengthy process and I'm not sure at this point how long it will last, be it seems to be working for me.  I went to my Naturopath, Dr. Arseneau, in Markham for the procedure.  He has gone to Germany to study Biopuncture and has found it successful on other Dystonia patients.  I have had about eight sessions now and have another booked for this week.  I see my Osteopath the day before and she maps out for him approximately 5 muscle groups that are contracted and 10 injection spots in those groups that are most in need.  I see him the following day and he performs the biopuncture with the help of his assistant.  It is an uncomfortable procedure, like botox, but it seems to be lasting longer.  I had injections in my neck and shoulders on several occasions in May and June and I now have full range of motion in my neck.  Prior to this I could not turn my neck to either side making driving not only difficult but dangerous.  For my neck and upper back I went weekly for the injections.  It was painful and exhausting.  By the fourth week, I was so tired I could not even sit in the chair in his office, I was just laying there waiting.  My husband had to take me and bring me home after.  Dr. Arseneau adjusted the recipe of the injections and the following week I had more energy that I could handle.  We took a break for a month to see how effective the results were.  I was astonished.  My neck was still mobile.  The massage therapist noticed a major improvement in the muscle tone and movement.  I decided to go back and start working on the bottom half of my body.  So far, we are concentrating on the right side as that is the leg I drag after I have been sitting for any length of time.  I do notice a difference, an improvement for sure, but there is still a long way to go.  These sessions have been the worst and most painful.  I have been taking an ice pack with me to sit on in the car on the way home.  The first set took me two weeks to get back to normal.  I have been two more times since on a biweekly basis instead of weekly.  It is getting easier, faster and less painful.  This last time I was fine by the next day.  The injections have been all up my right leg, buttocks and lower right side of my back.  When we finish with the right side, we will start on the left.  He says some patients only need 2 or 3 sessions but one patient had 21 sessions.  I think I will be closer to the latter by the time he is finished with me.  But if it works???  Wow.  Anything is worth relief.  I will keep my blog updated as to the results.

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