Painting in Guache by Cathy Lynch

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Knee Surgery for the 6th time

Well the Biopuncture worked for a while, but after undergoing knee surgery after attending my first class at OCADU the great results slowly started to diminish.  Only being allowed to miss 3 classes at school meant I was off for just over a week as my drawing class was both on Monday's and Wednesday's.  Being admittedly not quite so young anymore and after 6 operations now on the same knee, recuperation time was a little longer than expected.  I had tried to have the operations scheduled for August, but you know how it is.  The receptionist for the orthopedic surgeon was on holidays during my appointment with him and her replacement misplaced my file and I was forgotten.  After a few reminders, they found me again and booked me in as soon as possible, just after my first class.  So I struggled.  I tried to keep up with the class and the endless amounts of homework with a brace on my knee and eventually on my neck too.  I guess between driving downtown on the Don Valley Parkway (Parking Lot as I call it) to class, dragging myself around, being bent over a table doing art and going to Physiotherapy 3 times a week for my knee and Osteopathy for my neck was too much for the Biopuncture.  After 6 weeks of physio, I went back to ballet hoping to get some relief from that.  But being the overachiever that I am, I took on a huge art project due by the first week of December and I signed up for dancing in the Nutcracker.  By the beginning of November, I was begging for Botox.  As usual however, even that got messed up.  My doctor's office forgot to call the hospital to make the appointment.  By the time I found out and called myself, they were into Christmas vacations and I was unable to get in until mid January.  That meant I was going to have to persevere through the Nutcracker and worse, Christmas.  Ugh!!!

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