Painting in Guache by Cathy Lynch

Sunday, January 22, 2012

My New Routine, No More Work?

At home now on Long Term Disability.  Wow, me at the age of 51, used to a specific daily routine of getting up, going to work, coming home, cooking dinner and looking forward to a night in or evening out.  Even though my routine had been dimishing over the last year it was still difficult to comprehend.  No work tomorrow.  My job now was to get myself better and that I was determined to do, somehow.  At first, my days were filled with juggling appointments.  I had to get a blackberry to keep track of everything.  I would wake between 9:30 and 10:00 in the morning, drag myself to the shower so I could thaw out my body.  Brush my teeth, put makeup on, and then head for breakfast.  By that time it was close to noon and I would drive down to my Physiotherapy appointment.  After that, I would head home, lay on the couch and nap until dinner.  I had no way of getting groceries and most of the time did not have the energy to cook dinner anyway.  My husband would come home from work and I would be asleep on the couch.  He would cook dinner and place it on a box so I could eat.  By this time, the girls were returning from University so we had a house full.  The oldest of John's daughters was just finishing up at Teacher's college and was planning on spending her summer in Swizterland teaching day camp there.  She was also in the process of trying to get at job for the fall supply teaching in England.  The youngest was returning from her first year at Queen's to work at Canada's Wonderland for the summer.  Our house was a revolving door with everyone coming and going.  I was set on my routine and just watched everyone bustle around me.  Tuesday's I went to Yoga.  I left just before noon and returned about 2:00.  It was wonderful, but quite difficult at first.  I went to the reduced heat class and lay there on my mat for about 15 minutes before class started.  The warm air on my muscles was extremely helpful and after my onslaught my flexibility was next to nil.  I would go home after and as usual have my afternoon nap.  Wednesday's I would go to Osteopathy.  I found much relief during my hour here, having her work on whatever was main issue that week.  It could be headaches, my neck, back, feet, anything and she could always make me feel better.  Most of the time she would work on my head and neck, sending me home exhausted and ready for a nap.  Thursday's was Yoga again, and Friday was Massage Therapy.  That was painful, not relaxing at all.  They use their elbows to stretch out the muscles.  At first I started with an hour, but found it insufficient and ended up increasing my appointments to 1.5 hours long.  I would come home and end up in the bath with Epson Salts trying to heal my wounds.  It usually took a couple of days to recover.  In between I would see my family doctor, the Naturopath and Dr. Chen.  Dr. Chen administered Botox injections quarterly and the Naturopath tried various natural remedies.  I had suffered from Irritable Bowel Syndrom since my early twenties.  The Naturopath, Dr. Arseneau, mixed up a tincture and after several months it actually worked.  I had been to numerous Gastroenterologists over the last 25 years with the same complaint of bloating and severe abdominal pain.  The tincture actually cured it.  He was and still is determined to cure all of my ailments and seems to be accomplishing just that, one at a time.

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